
As we approach the formal end of this formal course of instruction I renew  and deepen my  commitment  to lifelong study, learning, growth, mastery and harmonious use of all that my inner guidance has lead me to,  and continues to lead me to…..to realize and create that which is based in Truth and to let all else fall away.

I thank the creators of the course, the guides, all the master teachers and their materials, my fellow classmates and the many teachers encountered in daily life, both formal and informal, for the many lessons and opportunities that we provided and provide for each other and for the many ways that we have made and make a difference in each others lives, both directly and by extension.

I thank each of us for taking responsibility for being our own teachers, for sharing that which we are all connected to in Truth from our levels of understanding and realization, and for being who and what we are…….. Love without end.

We’ve only just begun.

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